Error Code 4 Returned by lte_lc_conn_eval_params_get() Function after 12 Hours

Hello DevZone community,

I have been using the lte_lc_conn_eval_params_get() function in my application, which is executed periodically.

However, I'm encountering an error after exactly 12 hours of operation. The error code returned is 4.

My Environment

NCS - SDK 1.9.1
Device - nrf9160 customized one

Error log

[2023/05/16 23:42:26] [lte_thread] [ERROR] lte_lc_conn_eval_params_get error 4

I'm seeking assistance in understanding the possible causes of this error and any recommended solutions or workarounds to resolve it.
Any insights or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Regards

Praveen Deshmane

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