I have just started using a nRF52840 PDK board with the purpose to verify BT 5.0 features. I am completely beginner working with nRF boards or nRF SDK. Anyways, I downloaded...
I have a USB host capable Android device running CentOS via Linux Deploy and everything is working perfectly except i'm unable to connect to my USB nRF24LU1+ Crazyradio PA...
I am using multiperipheral mode in ble_app_hrs using the ble_app_multiperipheral example taking the functions on_connected and on_disconnected while connect and disconnect...
I'm using nRF52810 on SDKv14.2 and I have changed the bootloader from 52832 to work for 52810. I could do OTA now. I found that the bootloader there is no timeout when...
Is there a way around the issue where bluetooth communication acting as a pass-though terminates the packet whenever null character is found in the packet.
SDK: nRF5_SDK_12...
When creating and adding an characteristic to service, what the meaning and difference between these two variables:
Hi all,
I have compiled the ble_app_hids_keyboard example for a nRF52832 on a Laird DVK-BL652 breakout board.
I have a tablet running android 5.1.1 and the nordic nRFConnect...
Was looking through the reference designs you have in github .
I figured the difference between nRF52840_qiaa_var1 (what is qiaa ?) and nRF52840_qiaa_var2 is the use of...
Hello everyone,
I am facing an issue with UART communication from my nRF52832 to my GPS module.
I precise that communication in the other way works very well (I get...
We have a need to invert the TTL logic for the serial interface. All our "Unique" SWI serial interfaces use an inverted logic e.g. idle state 0 instead of idle state 1.
Is there any lnk which uses nrf52 mesh without models.
Means a simple function to send data(like "Hello world") to any node or group in Mesh.
and other node receive data...
Hello, I was wondering, Firstly and more important question, Is there a way in a BLE Mesh standard to physically locate/position the nodes? In order to obtain the distance...
After (accidentally) entering bootloader mode on my nRF51 DK (PCA10028), the device doesnt show up either in the device manager or using nRFgo Studio (both not normally...
I bought Nordic nRF52840-DK at an electronics store in Taiwan. J-link cannot be detected when connecting to a computer. I bought two pieces nRF52840-DK. One of them can be...
I've been having lots of issues putting the example projects on the NRF9160 dev kit. It builds without errors, connects to J-Link, but sometimes fails on the download step...
I'm unable to program a nrf52840 dev kit (BMD340 dev kit) using the attached hex file combination of Bootloader and softdevice. Both bootloader and softdevice can be programmed...
Why do I get the folowing error with mbedtls when doing "west update"?
Possibly related issues: * devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../west-update-blocks-and-fails-on-mbedtls (Didn...
Hello All,
I loaded the last FW version (mfwnrf9160100) in my nRF9160 SDK using nRF Connect Programmer and looks fine.
However, the Reset button or AT commands are not...
How would I take a NRF51 Dongle that has the stock firmware from nRF Connect and communicate/send commands to it over something like PuTTY? I've tried sending AT Commands...
configure as:
ROM start: 0x26000
RAM start: 0x20002218
when I download application software , it pops up following error.
I'm using keil uVison version 5...
Hello! I am doing some development with pc-ble-driver-py and ran in to some unexpected behaviours when reading characteristics. I have been modifying the nus_collector.py...
In the last few months I posted a question about RTOS and softdevice and I need to read the answer again but I am struggling to find how to do that
Look forward to...