hi dear nordic employee:
I tried to build the project ble_app_hrs_c(pca10040) by keil5
but I get an error :
._build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section...
I am a bit confused about power consumption when using app_uart_fifo. To save power I put MCU to sleep in between each sent and received byte by using __WFE and __SEV...
Hi! I am building an android app for my project. I am using Proximity , UART and DFU from nrfToolbox app. I have 3 buttons on my home screen dedicated for each of them. I...
Dear Nordic employee:
1、 what do I have?
I have a thingy52 develop kit(nrf52832)
2、what is my purpose?
the quality of thingy52 audio demo is not good(iphone7)...
Hello Nordic,
My development environment:
SDK>> NRF51822_SDK10, SoftDevice>> S130
Example>> ble_app_uart
I am looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards...
Dear friends,
according to "nRFConnect_BLE_User_Guide_v2.0", to set up a local device,i should complete the following steps:
Connect a development kit or dongle to...
I have add some function call like sd_ble_enable in mesh example, I test to get
then I set the address and all sd_ble_cfg_set is ok
but when I call "sd_ble_enable...
I am trying to achieve the maximum throughput when using the nRF51822.
According to the answer in this link ( devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../) , operation mode (write...
I have a beacon Kit PCA20006. I have programmed it with
Dear Developer Zone,
I am new to ANT and am looking for someone to help me to setup an example 15 channel (14 devices) ANT network using the S332 soft-device to test communication...
I am working on the heart_rate_collector example code of nrf51-ble-driver_linux_0.5.0 . I try to modify the example code let it can connect the Environmental Sensing...
I have implemented static passkey onto ble_app_uart.
I would like to configure this passkey through uart, then store it in the flash. I am confused at the choices available...
Hi, I'm having some trouble connecting to the nrf51822 chip and I've tried connecting to it using master controller, nrf connect, and nrf toolbox. The chip isn't even appearing...
I'm working on NRF52 NFC and I meet an issue related to timing.
I'm using hal_nfc_t2t driver directly (Without nfc lib) because I want to do some custom work and I...
Hello !
I am trying to read WHO_AM_I register from a LSM9DS1 IMU.
I have spi_update_imu_data() as my callback for when the spi transfer completes and inside it I make spi_xfer_done...
Hi all,
Using nRF51422 on nRF51-DK as a Central I have been successfully connected to a non-Nordic BLE peripheral, however when using the ISP130301 chip that embedding...
nRFgo Studio will not install.
It is rolling back when it is in the proocessing of copying.
The net framework4.5 has been installed on win10, and the virus softwares have...
I have recently purchased a few nrf51822 beacons. I have been successful in detecting the beacons on the Android and iOS apps. The firmware documentation says I need to press...
I just got an 32u4 BlueFruit LE board. and want to create a customized FW for its nRF51822 v3 chip.
I am using STLink v2 and OpenOCD connected to this chip. To verified...
Hello everyone! Frist of all, sorry for my broken English.
I had a timeout handler, which call by application timer every 50ms. In this function I took data from accelerometer...
I have a few nRF51-DK's lying around. I've compiled this simple test program using Yotta/mBed.
#include <mbed-drivers/mbed.h>
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);