I am working on a project using a ble nano (nrf51822) using the Nordic SDK 8.1. In the examples I found a way to control an LED using the methods LEDS_ON and LEDS_OFF. I wanted...
I am using ble_app_gls example and I have implemented static passkey in the code. Now I want to see if wireshark shows the passkey when I connect to ble devices. For...
Hi Team,
We are implementing an UART communication between a M4 processor (UART master) and a nRF51 (UART slave) and we want to use the UART in Low Power mode with flow...
Hello everybody,
for my project, i will bond the peripherial with the central.
I test my device with the MCP and can connect without problems. When i press the Bond Button...
Hi all,
I am trying to count the positive edges of a 3.5MHz signal with GPIOTE, PPI and the TIMER1. Unfortunately i can only measure to frequencies up to a little more...
Loaded Softdevice S140, ( Using NRF52840 DK board ) using NRFgo Studio.
App flash base is set to 0x00021000 and app RAM base is set to 0x20003000
Looking at the CPU...
In our earlier projects with nRF51 and SDK 8 we used to have bluetooth device names of length 13 or 14 characters. However, when using nRF52 and SDK 12 I noticed that the...
I have up and running the serialized ble_app_hts using ser_s130_hci serialization on two BMD-200 evaluation board of Rigado.
Now I want to know what files I have to use...
When I input the command below:
nrfgocli -p <path_to_application.hex>
it gives me the error below:
Could not connect to board
ERROR: Could not connect to board ...
I've migrated over my application code. I've noted that SDK10's new modules causes much high RAM consumption than on SDK 6.1. Everything is working however, except for the...
What are the correct parameters that I need to set in uVision to compile the experimental (signing) DFU for NRF51822_xxAC (SDK 10) (using dual bank)
Hi Nordic Community,
Could you please tell me what is the antenna reference design used in the nRF51 DK? and why a lot of BLE development boards (like Redbear BLE shield...
Hi everybody!
Im trying to implement slave spi to bluetooth bridge.
In short, when cs line goes low, i want that one handshake line automaticaly go in busy (high) state...
I'm using the nrf52 and in my application I need to sample a sensor after applying an IR pulse; the pulse length influences the sampling thus cannot be disturbed by...
I think this is a rather common problem:
I want to expose a couple of variables from my model code (members of structs) as characteristics. Is there a simple and elegant...
What is the risk/chance that future revisions (>2.0.0) of S130 will be incompatible with the setting UICR.CLENR0 = 0x1C000 ?
Today we would...
I need to wait for a period of 7.5ms whilst my I2C sensor completes a measurement, I am currently using the nrf_delay_ms function however I am looking to optimise the...
I'm trying to explore the nRF52-DK kit.
I downloaded the demo : www.nordicsemi.com/.../heart_rate_demo.zip
Dragged and dropped the hex-file to the JLINK drive thats...
I am utilizing an accelerometer sensor and communicating with it using TWI (I2C). I have both a development kit (NRF51-DK) and the Beacon (nRF51822-Beacon). I can...
Hi all:
Below is my source code for SPI master.
However, the handler is not triggered ...
Is any setting I missed?
void spi_event_handler(nrf_drv_spi_evt_t...
I am using nRF51822 BLE nano with mbed IDE. I tried to set channel so that i can achieve the desired frequency for FCC testing i.e. 2402MHz,2441MHz and 2480MHz .I am...