VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
I am writing an iOS code using Swift3 to connect an iOS10 device to nRF52 pca10040 and blink an LED. The nRFConnect on iOS can easily connect using the device name...
void in_pin_handler (nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
This function work with interupt event (push...
here I have a very strange problem. I m trying to send the data(1 byte) from slave to master,and I have to use the multilink demo because I will have 2 slave devices.
I'd like to erase all the pages managed by FDS as part of a "Hard Reset" operation. fds.c has a hint of a "FRESH_INSTALL" directive (part of an enum defined in fds_internal_defs...
SDK v10
SD S110 v8
My pj is about ANCS+nus+hid mouse sevices.
If my borad had bonded with an iPhone,then download new hex from mdk ,and run.
I would like to develop FW for the nRF52832, using Eclipse IDE + ARM GCC + Segger JLink OB.
I've seen on the segger webpage that the nRF52832 is a Cortex M4 processor...
I use dfu_dual_bank_ble_s110 bootloader from SDK10. I want the bootloader to check whether if incoming firmware is compatible with the device it is uploaded to (i.e. device...
I want to connect to only a single master device by s110. I used the example parameter setting from "ble_app_hids_keyboard" for gap_params_init, advertising_init and...
I have modified the Android Blinky App to connect two peripherals (nRF52 DK)
Scanning and Connecting to two peripherals works.. but when i want to start sending notifications...
Hi, all.
I want read mouse cursor coordinates from connected target(PC or iPhone and so on) through HID.
And then, i want to align the mouse cursor in the target center...
I tried "Go to definition Of 'sd_softdevice_enable",and
"Go to Reference To 'sd_softdevice_enable" at ble_app_hrs_c at ble_central,example .
But sd_softdevice_enable...
Dear all.
Now we migration from SDK 10 to SDK 11. but, there is not SDK11 packs. As you know, no pack is very uncomfortable for package managing on keil. please answer...
I am using nrf52-DK (First Version in the moment) and need to test UART interface.
I use the example from the blue-nus example from the SDK which is working fine....
I have been trying to get two NRF24L01 chips communicate with each other since a week now, without much success. All what I can find on the net is Arduino examples using...
Hi There,
How can I create a combined soft device and bootloader image/zip using the nrfutil.exe?
Is it possible to have an image/zip with both the application, bootloader...
Hello everyone,
I'm having trouble with nrfutil (python version from github.com/.../pc-nrfutil) . Here is the command line I use:
$ nrfutil dfu genpkg --application...
Hello, I use nrf51822 for my project. I have to collect data via BLE nus from phone, and then some time I need use a GPIO to simulate 7816 protocol, in that time I need 1...
Hi All,
I need to design mesh network using nrf51822, i referred so many posts in forum, i am thinking Mesh network not yet implemented!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i am not sure). If...
NFC samples in latest SDK 11 are working well when using Keil IDE. But there is no correct functionality with IAR. Samples compile well, code can be flashed and runs. But...