Hi all !
I'm trying to evaluate the throughput i can have between a Motorola 4G and the nrf51. The nRF51 is the peripheral and the phone is acting as a central.
To do...
I have a digital microphone chip, it has the CLK, DATA, LR_SEL three pins, now I will pick up the three pin nrf5283 three pin is as follows: CLK connectionI2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN...
Hello, Nordic Team, I'm embedded designer from Russia, discovered your amazing wireless MCU NRF52832. I looked through your SDK and peripheral drivers, and unfortunately found...
Thanks Stefan. The zip file making and updating steps work perfectly for me, if I follow your steps and make it from your stock pre-built "dfu_test_app_hrm_s132.hex". My question...
I'm trying to configure my NRF8001 module with the help of nRFgo studio. I'm using Nordic UART over BTLE service template. The module can be discovered via nRF Master...
I'm trying to make a BLE device that actually pairs securely. I posted this question on StackOverflow but didn't get any answers - maybe someone here knows more. As far as...
I read some previous posts that there was limited support for sysbuild for the VSCode extension. There are two things that I noticed: 1. When creating a build configuration...
We have developed a custom board with an external 32 MHz Crystal but I am having trouble initializing everything correctly. With the Zephyr "Hello World" example code I can...
For background, a few years ago our company had a contractor build up a simple peripheral button and I wanted to use that hardware to learn nRF SDK for VS Code and the Zephyr...
I am testing the Peripheral Heart Rate Monitor with the Coded PHY application for the nRF52840-DK kit. So, I am using two kits, one running the Peripheral Heart Rate...
SDK version - v2.7.0
Project repository
Hi! I am a junior embedded systems software developer, and I just started working with Nordic's environment. This is my first...
Does the NRF8240 using the HCI UART sample support setting a public address?
Hello, I made modifications based on the nrf9160 lte_ble_gateway demo. I modified the BLE.c file and changed the BLE connection to BLE scanning. The scanning algorithm is...
I am doing some development where I use the external flash for storage external to my application. When I enable MCUboot, I can no longer access the external flash. This is...
I am making a device using the nrf52dk that takes data from 5 separate sensors and sends the data to a nrf52840 dongle. My trouble lies with the ADC data collection. When...
I follow the custom board exercise steps with mynRF52840 DK and when I reach step 8.1 , in the deviceTree visual editor, I notice that the GPIO0/1/TE options under ...
Hi Devzone. I have a PCA10056 that I'm using to set up for CI / HIL testing, using an external nRF52840 on another PCB.
The external SWD on P19 is working perfectly.
I am building an app that connects to the NRF52840 with BLE. The NRF board is attached to an electrocardiogram(ECG) setup, so I am interested in the app being able to...
I am playing with the mesh dfu and the distributor application on nRF52840 DK board
I load the image I want to distribute using mcumgr application on a Raspberry...
I have achieved bluetooth direction finding using nRF52833DK. I would like to do the same with a custom board. I have used the BM833 chip for doing this. I have attached the...