Hi all !
I'm trying to evaluate the throughput i can have between a Motorola 4G and the nrf51. The nRF51 is the peripheral and the phone is acting as a central.
To do...
I have a digital microphone chip, it has the CLK, DATA, LR_SEL three pins, now I will pick up the three pin nrf5283 three pin is as follows: CLK connectionI2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN...
Hello, Nordic Team, I'm embedded designer from Russia, discovered your amazing wireless MCU NRF52832. I looked through your SDK and peripheral drivers, and unfortunately found...
Thanks Stefan. The zip file making and updating steps work perfectly for me, if I follow your steps and make it from your stock pre-built "dfu_test_app_hrm_s132.hex". My question...
I'm trying to configure my NRF8001 module with the help of nRFgo studio. I'm using Nordic UART over BTLE service template. The module can be discovered via nRF Master...
I'm trying to make a BLE device that actually pairs securely. I posted this question on StackOverflow but didn't get any answers - maybe someone here knows more. As far as...
Is the scanning device always get the BLE_GAP_EVT_ADV_REPORT Event ?
my current project is
I'm using SD110, SDK 10.0.0, nRF51822
In my own application, I control 4 servo by pwm with Timer1 and Timer2,
and I have 2 buttons, each button is a flag for...
Hi now i"m working on nrf15882 ,i'm confused how to test ble_uart example?
when i connect to the device(nrf15822),the cellphone app always displays:connecting,
I'm trying to get a hold of a few nrf905 dev boards. Most the ebay boards have "nrf905 (ptr8000+)". Is there any difference between these chips?
I'm assuming the ptr8000...
I setup the nrf51 as in central mode and talking to an ARM Cortex mcu via spi bus with the NRF51 set to slave. The spi communication working fine, but when I star scanning...
I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130 and "ble_app_hrs_c" "ble_app_uart_c" as reference.
My peripheral's Service UUID = 000098000000100080000017FFE07A00.
I want to...
We intend to use nRF5x as main uC for our upcoming 4 new design. (diff. kind of measurement devices)
Instead of qualifiying each new device, we have intended to...
Is there a list somewhere that correlates the NRF_FICR->CONFIGID value with the actual nRF51 variant?
I had orginally used the 16K Ram versions, but when Nordic release...
I'm implementing long write function to my project.
I managed to get it working, but i can't send more than 68 bytes of data.
When i'm sending the data, I slice...
Is there a way to tell if the timer is running? There's a start task, and a stop task, but I'm not sure how to tell if a timer is currently running. The best thing I can think...
I developed my application using nRF51 DK with nRF51422 QFACA10 chip on it, and everything works fine. But now i would like to program this application on nRF51822...
sd_softdevice_enable never returns.
I have no 32.768 KHz crystal but is set lfclk with NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SYNTH_250_PPM.
I'm running my application on a custom...
I am using currently keil v5. and sdk5.2, softdevice s110 v6.2 for board PCA10028 by changing header file of broad nrf6310. And also when i have been compile dfu_dual_bank_ble_boot...
I would like to confirm the number of available and configurable PPI channels for the application code when Softdevice S132 is used. I am using nRF52832.
In the Product...