Fixing the "known issue" Partitioning limitation with MCUboot swap move

The subject issue is documented here as "NCSDK-20567: Partitioning limitation with MCUboot swap move":

This issue has been open for while. 

These two DevZone tickets refer to this issue and mention the impact is that you can use only around 95% of the flash space:


Here are my questions:

1. In the Workaround description, there is a formula to calculate the approximate size limitation. What CONFIG item is referred to for mcuboot_primary_size?  I am not able to figure out how to use that equation to result in a value of approximately 95% of the "Region Size" for the application image indicated in the build log.

2. Why is "additional" margin suggested?  Can that margin be quantified?

3. Are there still plans to fix this?  A lot of internal flash space seems to be wasted due to this issue.

4. When the fix is available, do you think the fix can be patched by us to an earlier NCS version, such as NCS 2.6?

  • Hi,

    The size of the primary slot is defined by the PM_MCUBOOT_PRIMARY_SIZE symbol in pm_config.h which is generated by the partition manager during the build.

    Fixing this issue is still in our backlog. I’ve requested that we prioritize addressing it so you can receive a build time error if the image will exceed the maximum size for the secondary slot. As you may know, the reason the FW image can't fill the whole partition is that we need to leave room for the image trailer at the end. 

    1. In the Workaround description, there is a formula to calculate the approximate size limitation. What CONFIG item is referred to for mcuboot_primary_size?  I am not able to figure out how to use that equation to result in a value of approximately 95% of the "Region Size" for the application image indicated in the build log.

    The percentage will vary depending on the size of the partition. Larger partitions can have utilization above 95%

    2. Why is "additional" margin suggested?  Can that margin be quantified?

    This was to account for any changes in the image trailer size. For example, the image trailer becomes larger if encryption is enabled. The best way to verify that there is enough room for the image trailer with your configuration is to test the DFU of the image locally before distributing the update. If the image is too large, the bootloader will fail to copy the update to the primary slot. It is also important that you are using the same static partition layout across FW versions (Configuring static partitions)

    4. When the fix is available, do you think the fix can be patched by us to an earlier NCS version, such as NCS 2.6?

    The planned fix is to calculate the actual space available for the firmware image at build time and provide the user with an error if the image is too large for DFU.

    Best regards,


  • Thanks Vidar for the very detailed and clear reply.
    I will have a follow-up question on your answer shortly.  I haven't had a chance to research something yet, but I wanted to get the thank you sent now.

  • Hi Vidar,

    Ok, so for the equation in NCSDK-20567 to calculate max app size:
    mcuboot_primary_size - 80 - (mcuboot_primary_size/ 4096) * 12 -4096

    you said the mcuboot_primary_size is PM_MCUBOOT_PRIMARY_SIZE.

    1. For my case, 
    PM_MCUBOOT_PRIMARY_SIZE is 0xee000, or 974848.

    The max app size equation in NCSDK-20567 results in 967816

    Our build log "Memory region" for FLASH lists "Region Size" as 974336.

    If hypothetically my actual app size were 967816 as being the "Used Size" in the build log, the build log would report "%age Used" as 967816 / 974336 = 99.33%.   I know that 99.33% can't be correct because we hit the max size issue at 96% as reported by the build log.  What am I doing wrong in this example?

    I don't think the NCSDK-20567's "Some additional margin is suggested" would account for the discrepancy.

    2. According to image trailer

    If the image trailer size depends on 
    BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS, then why doesn't the equation in NCSDK-20567 include that value in the equation?  More specifically, does BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS have any impact on the max app size that can be FW updated?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    Yes, this does not appear to be correct, unfortunately. I'm awaiting feedback from the developers on this. The value of BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS * 4096 must be bigger than or equal to the size of the mcuboot slot, and since the BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS value affects the image trailer size, it seems like it should have been included in the calculation as you said.

  • Hi Vidar, is there any update on your last reply?  Can you at least confirm for sure that the value for BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS does indeed affect the max size of the updateable image.
