I've a PCA10036 V1, I change the IC to nRF52822 QFAA-B016. With nRF5_SDK_11.0.0-2.alpha_bc3f6a0 and SD: s132_nrf52_2.0.0-7.alpha_softdevice, the programme started but if I...
We are developing software for the nRF51 with Keil under VirtualBox. Previously we used the PCA10000 dongle with the Master Emulator and MCP without issue. Now, with...
We are using nRF51822 for our products.
We want to know the min value of "Receiver sensitivity" when we use this chip for BLE.
The Datasheet says "Receiver sensitivity...
The BLE Multi-link example (ble_app_multilink_central and ble_app_multilink_peripheral)
shows how one central device can connect to multiple peripheral devices. ...
In the MCP app, if I have the following service data for an Eddystone beacon:
0x10, // Eddystone-URL type
0x00, // TX power in dBm. This is a signed integer so 0xEE ...
I have the nRF Control Panel Android application. It works fine with several BLE devices, but specifically for the Fitbit Flex, it fails to connect.
I know Fitbit wristbandes...
The situation:
I was able to successfully receive known packets from a device running gzp_device_dynamic_pairing, from, the host running the gzp_host_dynamic_pairing...
I tried to set a custom key in this way:
uint8_t network_number = 2;
uint8_t p_network_key[8] = {0xa1, 0x15, 0xb3, 0x66, 0x60, 0xef, 0x19, 0xa1};
Hi there.
I'm woking with sensor in board nRF51822.
Do we have any tool to test oscilloscope i2c?
I want to check the signal is same as what I sent or not.
Since nRF51 is multi-protocol, why don't Nordic provide support for Zigbee? This way, customers can simply buy one single chip and have several standards supported. Are there...
I received a NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL error from a pstorage_store() function. As far as I can tell this error should not result from this function. It occurs fairly randomly. This...
In the examples delivered by Nordic, there is ble_app_hrs in ble_peripheral and ble_app_hrs_c in ble_central. But I cannot find a ble_app_hts_c in ble_central for the ble_perifpheral...
I am using Master Control Panel to check some off the shelf BLE product. I noticed that some of them don't provide characteristic value when I press "discover services". ...
I am using the "nRFgo SDK".
The datasheet of 24LU1P says the size of the bootloader is 2K.
But when I build it in Keil, the build information is "Program...
I am using a nrf51822 with sdk 10 and softdevice 130.
It has an accelerometer mma8653 to read the orientation of the chip, I am trying to get the x,y and z co-ordinates...
Hi there!
I have nRF51 DK (PCA10028).
I config GIPO as below:
nrf_drv_gpiote_out_config_t out_config = GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUT_SIMPLE(false);
err_code = nrf_drv_gpiote_out_init...
Hi, I am generating PWM waves using GPIOTE, PPI and Timer. (I cannot use the app_pwm library from SDK 10.0 because there is an intial delay of ~600usec for the PWM to get...
I want to generate PWM pulses of width 14uSec(off time) and 42uSec(on time). Is it possible to achieve the above
with app_timer module
without app_timer module...
I need to configure pwm with 14uSec off time and 46uSec on time. I had a look at the pwm example in the install directory and also : developer.nordicsemi.com/.../a00039...