app : nrf tools on git hub
s130: sdk v11
s110: sdk v8.1.0
example : nrf_ble_uart.
after modify, it happen, is there some definition shoud modify in app?
by the war,the...
the board advertising correct,and it work normal (connect,send and receive data),bug it's name can not display in app scan menu. the definition is "liu",but displaying...
with the new version of the bluetooth website, i can not find the link to overview the profile,service,characteristic and something else related to it.
thank you.
I've developed my BLE application that is based on nRF518822 and softdevice S110 v.8.0.0.
I've defined 6 services (4 with 2 characteritics each and 2 with 1 characteristic...
I can get right value when I chose QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_512us in slow application ,but in my application my max data rate is more than 2k, so the QDEC value is less than...
nrf51822 SDK 9.0
iphone 6plus System version IOS9.2
When the phone receives the QQ message "static void notif_print(ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_t * p_notif);" can execute.
Hi..... This is Venkatesh. I am using nRF52-DK Evaluation kit. This is my first question posting here. It is pleasure to have an account to share my knowledge and get the...
I am currently finishing my deploy script and I am currently using nrfjprog to write some custom UICR data. I have a contiguous region of memory to write but I do...
Dear Nordic team,
Beside other persistent issues with your proprietary DTM command for setting Tx Power (see here and here ) I've found that default Tx Power in ble_dtm...
How do I add multiple devices to a whitelist (as the central, adding peripherals), then use the white list for multiple connections? I have read both
I have nrf51822 QFACA1 and STM32f407VG. I'm programming nrf51822 QFACA1 using STM32f407VG SWD pings. And now I want programming BLE nrf51822 QFACA1 but I can't find any working...
I bought MOD-nRF8001 BLE Module for prototyping. I gave 3.3v Supply to modules's 3.3V pin & GND to GND pin. But, I cant figure out weather mODULE IS ON OR OFF. Its unrecoverable...
In our industrial product we are using nrf24l01+ on PCB which will be going to fully coat with epoxy material while manufacturing. My question is that , whether this...
I have modified the ble_app_hrs_c_s130_pca10031 example to run without external RTC and collect only battery status data from BLE peripherals that have a service with UUID...
I tried the example ble_app_multilink_central (SDK 11.0) with S130 soft device. My requirement is that nrf-dongle should work in central mode and it should connect...
Super general question :)
Our current products use nRF24 chips (paired with 8bit AVR's) and we're very happy with performance.
For us the key requirements are low latency...
Hi all, i am trying to load this example on the smart beacon kit; i followed this guide step by step ( but the problem is the if i load the precompiled...
Hi all, i want to use the internal bluetooth of my laptop to receive values of a sensor on the nRF51 DK, and save them in a text file. How can i do this?
Hi, In my project I am using the signed bootloader example. The issue I got if I generate .zip file for dfu without --key-file the with --dfu-ver is option is working fine...
I have up and running the serialized ble_app_hts using ser_s130_hci serialization on two BMD-200 evaluation board of Rigado.
Now I want to know what files I have to use...
When I input the command below:
nrfgocli -p <path_to_application.hex>
it gives me the error below:
Could not connect to board
ERROR: Could not connect to board ...
I've migrated over my application code. I've noted that SDK10's new modules causes much high RAM consumption than on SDK 6.1. Everything is working however, except for the...