I have two custom PCBs, each of which has a microcontroller and an nrf24L01+. Everything related to the transceiver in the designs are complete duplicates (with the exception...
I've built a small BLE-device based on the nrf8001.
With my Iphone I can discover this device and I am able to connect to it and listen to notifications of the...
Our pcb is used for gps location data. We have a nrf24L01 nordic chip as the micro process or between the gps module and wireless module (2G). Our engineer needs to capture...
Hey folks,
I'm trying to modify the SPI Master loop back example into a 4 line SPI Master_Slave program. Whenever I change the Tx_Buffer_lenght from 10 to lsome other numbers...
I am using S130 softdevice version.
Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C.
It is correctly work at normal state.
Hi All,
Please Reviwe for a attached circuit file(Chip ANT of nRF51822.pdf).
I also attach a datasheet of chip antenna applied for that circuit(SDBTPTR3015 Data Sheet...
to me it made sense that EN_AA settings are controlling the receiving pipes if an ACK has to be sent back upon receiving a valid packet.
then i thought that the settings...
I am developing an application with BLE and I have just faced to a problem.
I want to check my IDE settings and development environment.
I am using the development...
A good problem to have... we're only seeing 300nA current draw with a 3V lithium primary while in SystemOFF on the nRF51822, using LDO.
Is that correct? We've measured...
i added a event in the function 'on_ble_evt' like followings:
printf("Start Advertising\r\n");
At first i think...
Hi, I mostly use the SDK 7.2 or SDK 10 and S110 7.1 or 8.0
since I have multiple custom boards that uses revision 2 and 3 chips.
My custom board I'm about to use has...
I want get an interrupt from the ADC after every sample (oversampled by 4, so burst is enabled). This works fine with EasyDMA, but I want to be able to not use the EasyDMA...
Is there some documentation somewhere to explain how these work?
I kinda understand but in app_timer, why use a software interrupt of the same priority as the RTC interrupt...
In my project, the nrf51422 chip will be hosted on a board with another CPU. I need to be able to flash the firmware through the SWD interface, controlled by the host CPU...
I have a running system powered by ARM Cortex-M3 (LPC1343 MCU) and I want to add bluetooth through nRF51822 usb dongle.
I want to send some data from LPC1343...
I try to send a string using example code ble_app_uart_pca10028 without input from terminal
,but directly from inside the code
All of the tutorials I've search...
hello there i want to interface adxl345 with nrf51822 using SPI interface i am new to spi. i am using spi master with spi slave example. i want to write 0x08 in 0x32 register...
I want to debug RF51822 board by uart port , communicate with pc, e.g use printf() in program,after download RF51822 board,print statement to pc uart port, how to realize...
I am trying to use my nRF52-DK with Yggdrasil.
I took example from here: *\nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197\examples\ble_central_and_peripheral\ble_connectivity\pca10040\ser_s132_uart...
Hi, I was able to successfully implement the tutorial titled "Testing and using a simple BLE application" available in the Tutorial section and transfer data from termite...
Using OBS-421 from Connectblue as Central. Using simple AT command to connect and get data. Can connect successfully with Cypress BLE as well as the TI sensortag and get data...