Hello! I'm using sdk8 and s110. I want my peripheral device to send data to the central. I doing following steps:
1. initialize service:
void services_init(void)
I am glad that I have successfully used the library from www.libstock.com/.../nordic-semi-nrf24l01-example in a pair of PIC18F45k50 devices. One is acting as a Tx and another...
I have had a search but can not find anything so sorry if this has been covered before.
Our company has developed a consumer product using the nRF51822-QFAA-R7...
Hi every one !
I am trying to get working a code that it was working "Ok" 2 years ago.
Currently, I cannot get communication between both breakout boards.
To simplify...
I'm trying to solve an intermittent problem when using the nRF51422 UART with CMSIS-RTOS (RTX) and MDK Networking library (V6.2) (TCP/IP stack).
My questions relate to...
When i was working in SDK v6.1.0 i have tried nrfprog.exe to merge and program bootloader, softdevice, application and bootloader_settings file as explained in devzone...
Hi Team,
What if I don't what to use BLE stack but still want to use nRF51 Radio (PHY + MAC) to implement some custom communication protocol between multiple nRF51 devices...
i am new at this so please bare with me.
i was using a nfr51822 with s110 version 7 and i now i want to migrate it to s110 version 8.
i have made a few changes according...
After checking bootloader example from the SDK version 10, I am not able to find appropriate ROM / RAM addresses configurations for 16kb RAM chip. The Bootloader examples...
Trying to run S130 V2.0.0 with ble_app_proximity on a BLE400 motherboard.
We just received our custom board based nRF52832, below nRF52832 schematic
I succeed to flash the board. but i have frequency troubles.
I made a simple exemple...
I have been trying to get two NRF24L01 chips communicate with each other since a week now, without much success. All what I can find on the net is Arduino examples using...
I have opened the nordicID sample project "InventorySample" for Windows CE in VS2008 it successfully builds the project but when i deploy it on mobile simulator Pocket PC...
I'm using S132 v2.0.0 and nrf52832. I've got a problem when I'm trying to call any softdevice function from radio notification event handler.
I am using nRF52832 DK and we designed a custom board using nRF52832. I am using a windows 10 lap. It used to program successfully from windows 10 lap and boards will advertise...
I use nrf51 based device as peripheral with SD110.
I use connectable advertising ( BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_IND, BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY ) and turned on BLE_GAP_EVT_SCAN_REQ_REPORT...
what address in flash is it safe to store my application settings (some calibraton data) which should be preserved during application updates. I use S110 v8, dfu_dual_bank_ble_s110_pa10028...
Hi all, i'm trying to understand how to program my nrf51 DK in order to perform a temperature measurement with the onboard sensor, convert the battery voltage with the ADC...
I use dfu_dual_bank_ble_s110 bootloader from SDK10. I want the bootloader to check whether if incoming firmware is compatible with the device it is uploaded to (i.e. device...
I want to connect to only a single master device by s110. I used the example parameter setting from "ble_app_hids_keyboard" for gap_params_init, advertising_init and...
I have modified the Android Blinky App to connect two peripherals (nRF52 DK)
Scanning and Connecting to two peripherals works.. but when i want to start sending notifications...