I've tried compiling and running the ble_app_hrs_rtx demo example suing the makefiles and GCC 'as is'. However, the program just hangs and doesn't do anything. Specifically...
I'm using QT + QBS + bare-metal + gdb + openocd + stlink(debugger). I want to print into qt-terminal debug information. How Can I do this feature?
int main...
I ran the ble_aci_Tranport_layer_Verification.ino sketch from the Nordic BLE library and I get no output to the serial monitor after "nRF8001 Reset Done" is displayed. I think...
I am trying to debug my code today and am finding that Eclipse is constantly breaking execution at the INLINE function app_timer_evt_get(). I do not have any break point set...
the DFU of the "Master Control Panel" (Android) can not complete the upload mission.
the DFU of the nRF-Toolbox in iOS is
work well.
I just tried out the new iOS nRF Toolbox 1.5 and it doesn't seem to handle long init packets.
I gave it a zip file that contains a 137216 byte 'application.bin' and a 192...
Hello everybody,
In the SD_EVT_IRQn ISR I check for BLE and SoC events and set flags for each so my application can fetch and dispatch the events in the main context. ...
I'm using nrf52 as slave for another device. I'm reading test string from the nrf buffer and I can see extra zero (rest of the content is then offset by one -> corruption...
Hi, i know this question has been ask before but, i was reading and readind and i could find a way to do it. I got the theory but when i'm going to implement it in my code...
Hi there,
i cannot get the hrs_c example to connect to a heartbelt.
The heart belt is found and a connection is established:
I am working on nrf52 using BMD300 RIGADO board.I am trying to run BLE UART example of nrf SDK 11.0.0.But while I am running the code I am getting errors as
: struct...
In Nordic infocenter/nRF5 SDK v11.0.0/Examples/Bluetooth low energy examples/BLE Central & Peripheral/, I found a example project which name is "Experimental: BLE LE Secure...
BLE is first initialised in my code, then SPI is initialised. If no SPI transfers are to be executed in the code, the code compiles, runs correctly and BLE functions correctly...
I have a very simple program that generates a 50% duty cycle clock using the NRF_PWM0 on the new nRF52 device. Unfortunately, my Tektronix 1GHz oscilloscope doesn't lock to...
Hi, is there an available developer in my tri-state area of Minnesota, N. Dakota, or S. Dakota? Please call me if you are available for a project for hire. The developer should...
Is there a way for firmware running on the nRF52 to detect the presence of a SEGGER (or other) SWD capable device? I've looked through all the nRF registers but couldn't find...
Hi all
Our application, built on the NRF51822 Rev. 3 and the SoftDevice S130 V1.0.0, uses the UART0 with 115'200 baud, 8N1, to communicate with another controller/PC. Hardware...
Hi, In my project I want to read data from i2c and update in advertising data and the board need to advertise without time out (i.e 24x7) for these I take advertising timeout...
I am new to the BLE profiles. I am have to send the TMP007 temperature sensor values to mobile APP using BLE HTS profile. for this I am using sample example of nrf52...
My customer offered the P/N#NRF51822-CTAA to us, I tried to find informations on it, but on your data sheet I can only find code QF, CD, CE, CF, nothing on CT. Is NRF51822...