Hi Nordic,
I would like to re/program my device using a OTA BLE Bootloader but i don't want others to copy my firmware or at least make it very hard. As far as i know there...
After modifying the ancs example to remove the data and control points, the event_connect() subfunction in ble_ancs_c.c gets called immediatly upon a connection to a master...
Using nRF51822, I define keys and pins as follows:
Keyboard key
Mouse left/right key
Mouse move (up/down/left/right)
Media play/pause key
Pin 0 Mouse...
The bluetooth device keeps getting disconnected from the app, even when its not 'idle'.
I am using the android app mentioned here .
I need help getting started to solve...
Moving from SDK version 5.1 to 6.0, the buttons on my PCA20006 beacons no longer works as expected. When I press a button, it seems to register the release of a button incorrectly...
I posted another question along these lines, about using the Timeslot API to get observer behaviour with the S110 v7.0 SD, but I am having trouble getting it to work.
Trying to run S130 V2.0.0 with ble_app_proximity on a BLE400 motherboard.
We just received our custom board based nRF52832, below nRF52832 schematic
I succeed to flash the board. but i have frequency troubles.
I made a simple exemple...
I have been trying to get two NRF24L01 chips communicate with each other since a week now, without much success. All what I can find on the net is Arduino examples using...
I have opened the nordicID sample project "InventorySample" for Windows CE in VS2008 it successfully builds the project but when i deploy it on mobile simulator Pocket PC...
I'm using S132 v2.0.0 and nrf52832. I've got a problem when I'm trying to call any softdevice function from radio notification event handler.
I am using nRF52832 DK and we designed a custom board using nRF52832. I am using a windows 10 lap. It used to program successfully from windows 10 lap and boards will advertise...
I use nrf51 based device as peripheral with SD110.
I use connectable advertising ( BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_IND, BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY ) and turned on BLE_GAP_EVT_SCAN_REQ_REPORT...
what address in flash is it safe to store my application settings (some calibraton data) which should be preserved during application updates. I use S110 v8, dfu_dual_bank_ble_s110_pa10028...
Hi all, i'm trying to understand how to program my nrf51 DK in order to perform a temperature measurement with the onboard sensor, convert the battery voltage with the ADC...
I use dfu_dual_bank_ble_s110 bootloader from SDK10. I want the bootloader to check whether if incoming firmware is compatible with the device it is uploaded to (i.e. device...
I want to connect to only a single master device by s110. I used the example parameter setting from "ble_app_hids_keyboard" for gap_params_init, advertising_init and...
I have modified the Android Blinky App to connect two peripherals (nRF52 DK)
Scanning and Connecting to two peripherals works.. but when i want to start sending notifications...
Hi, all.
I want read mouse cursor coordinates from connected target(PC or iPhone and so on) through HID.
And then, i want to align the mouse cursor in the target center...
I tried "Go to definition Of 'sd_softdevice_enable",and
"Go to Reference To 'sd_softdevice_enable" at ble_app_hrs_c at ble_central,example .
But sd_softdevice_enable...
Dear all.
Now we migration from SDK 10 to SDK 11. but, there is not SDK11 packs. As you know, no pack is very uncomfortable for package managing on keil. please answer...