How to get production firmware version (v1.1.0) for nRF9160

The production firmware version v1.0.0 is released for the nRF9160.

- Release notes for the nRF Connect SDK v1.0.0 (NCS)

- Release notes for the Modem Firmware v1.0.0 (MFW)

  • Update NCS to v1.0.0:

cd ncs/nrf
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v1.0.0
west update

  • Update the MFW to v1.0.0:

Note: 'nrf9160_mdm_dfu' tool is deprecated.

- Update to the latest 'nRF Command Line Tools'.

Download MFW v1.0.0

- Update to the latest nRF Connect for Desktop

- Make sure you have the latest version of the "Programmer" app:

- Open the "Programmer" app 

- Select device

- Select "Update Modem"

- Find the .zip folder '' and select it:

- Hit the "Write" button. 

- Then you should get this message "Completed successfully in <xx> seconds"

You have now updated your modem to v1.0.0.

You can confirm that your modem version is updated by running the at_client sample in combination with "LTE Link Monitor" and sending the AT command: 


Note that there is also released a new SES IDE version (v4.18) with several updates.

Please find the newest version from the download link in the "Getting Started Assistant" app:

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