New Developer Zone

Over the last few months, work has been done to create a new Developer Zone on a more robust and future-proof foundation. Today, we're finally launching the result of this effort.

We've been tremendously happy with the way the community have built on this site over the past year or so a lot stays the same:

  • You can use your old username and password (although hash algorithm is improved).
  • All features from the old site should still be here.
  • All questions, answers, comments and private messages are converted and still available (old links will redirect, or if that fails, turn into a search).
  • Search is improved, with better filtering and sorting options.

However, this upgrade also lay foundations to grow the community further. There are two main components to this:


With this new site, each user get the possibility to create blog posts, and you can easily look at the blogs of a specific user. Content is limited for now, but over the next few weeks, we hope to be able to publish several posts, on different Nordic related topics.

However, the primary target for this is to enable each Developer Zone user to publish your own experiments and findings. We've seen several users posting questions over the last year, just to show off something impressive they've been doing. However, such postings aren't really a good fit for the Q&A format of the regular Developer Zone, since they don't really have an answer as such.

For the future, we therefore hope that the blog feature will enable even more of you to share the interesting things you are doing with our chips! Don't be modest in sharing your Nordic-related projects!

Take a look at the About-page for suggestions on what the blogs can be used for!

Reputation and badges

On this new site, all activity is rewarded with reputation, and certain actions will give you badges. For now, this reputation can be used to understand the experience of other users, so that it's easier to understand and evaluate quality and experience of answer.

With higher reputation follows the possibility to do minor moderation tasks, as described here.


In an upgrade like this, there are bound to be bugs and issues, or things that doesn't work as they should. When you find things like that, please post a comment on this post or use the feedback form at the bottom, and we'll tend to them as fast as possible.

We hope that you'll enjoy the new possibilities!

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