Nordic Developer Zone celebrates its 4th year of helping developers succeed

Nordic Developer Zone - The Nordic developer’s best friend

The original goal of Nordic Developer zone was to create a resource for our customers that would complement direct Nordic technical support. It should simplify and help them with their design efforts. It should be a place where everyone can contribute, Nordicers and our customers and partners alike. It had a simple mantra – ‘Ask questions, share info, and be inspired’. As Nordic Developer Zone enters its 4th year, we can safely say it is achieving what we set out for it to do.

The ultimate Nordic FAQ resource

As of today Developer Zone has over 20 thousand questions with answers. As you can imagine these cover a wide range of Q&A from how to get started with Bluetooth low energy as a beginner through to deep technical details regarding protocol operations. However the range of of resources isn’t confined to just Bluetooth low energy details, there are examples regarding sensor data capture, power saving techniques and configuring toolchains to mention just a few.

A quick look at the stats

As said, Nordic Developer Zone has been a huge hit since we launched it 4 years ago. Have a quick look at the table below where we’ve summarized some of the highlights.

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Beyond Q&A: Tutorials, blogs and a Git repository

We have steadily added features to Developer Zone over these 4 years. Today not only is there the huge FAQ but also a range of tutorials from Nordic engineers and 200+ blogs that range from relevant news about Nordic releases and industry news to Partner services from companies we partner with that can offer assistance in various areas such as design and manufacture and qualification and certification.

Nordic supplies a wide range of protocol stacks and SDKs for our SoCs. This is our official, production-grade software for your end products. We test this stuff like you wouldn’t believe before we let it of the door. However things move quickly in the business, and we can’t do everything for everyone. So we have an open-source GitHub repository with over 200 repos available for development and contribution of codebases for all those things that are useful for some, but we just don’t get time to do to the degree of quality we insist on for our production software.

Further plans for Nordic Developer Zone

Nordic Developer Zone won’t stay still, we always have plans for more and better content and resources. We are confident it will continue to be a success, and will continue to help you have success by tapping into it as your best friend when you want to learn something fast, or just hit a snag that’s causing some head-scratching. If you have not really taken advantage of Developer Zone thus far, we suggest you do, it is guaranteed make your life that bit easier, and will help get your project up and running in double quick time.

Win a Nordic Thingy: 52 (registration closed)

So, happy birthday Nordic Developer Zone! Celebrate with us and win one of the new Nordic Thingy: 52 development kits. You have a chance to win by just filling in the form that appears on this page.

And, if you don’t know what a Nordic Thingy: 52 is, well, you’ve been missing out. It is a super easy to use, fun multi-sensor development kit that just switches on and gets going, no coding required! If you do develop, then even better it has an extensive codebase for you to really start tweaking and inventing your next great ‘Thing’!

Find out more about Nordic Thingy: 52 here.

  • Thanks for all the hard work guys. The forum is definitely a good reason why we as consumer electronics manufacturer will not switch soon to a chipset from another party than Nordic.

    Looking forwards to work with you!

    PS: One thing were you will help us with by the way is roadmap management. It's good to get preliminary planning on support for new features e.g. w.r.t. Bluetooth 5 Mesh. It doesn't need to be set in stone! Just keep us in the loop!

  • Thanks for all the hard work guys. The forum is definitely a good reason why we as consumer electronics manufacturer will not switch soon to a chipset from another party than Nordic.

    Looking forwards to work with you!

    PS: One thing were you will help us with by the way is roadmap management. It's good to get preliminary planning on support for new features e.g. w.r.t. Bluetooth 5 Mesh. It doesn't need to be set in stone! Just keep us in the loop!

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