Programming nRF51 with ST-Link & uVision


I am planning to design a device based on nRF51-dk but with external programmer. I have ST-Link available so I thought I just provide a simple walk through showing how to set it up.

Firstly, here is shown how to wire up the programmer with dk. I used only four wires so only one ground pin. On the devkit P18 connector these are the pins 1,2,3,4.

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Next set the debug interface and go to settings.

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Select SW port instead of JTAG and if your device is powered and wired up correctly you should see the SW Device in the window on right.

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Almost there! Just add the flash device by selecting the Flash Download tab and clicking on Add.

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That is it and it works for me. You can get the the programmer for about £10.

Hope this helps


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