Recent updates to RKNRFGO

I've recently updated some of the functionality on RKNRFGO, the OSX app which programs code and softdevices onto the Nordic dev boards. The latest is V 1.0.9 and can be obtained from Sourceforge.

Major changes in the last two releases are

  1. Support for the PCA10028 and PCA10031 boards which have a different JLink, not recognised by the earlier versions.
  2. An internal database of known softdevice versions which can be manually or automatically updated as new ones are released. That's currently populated with information about all the softdevices I could find going back several revisions. This makes RKNRFGO much better at working out what softdevice you've specified and doing the correct chip programming for it than the previous version, which just guessed.
  3. Support for S210 and S310
  4. A file watcher on the selected code URL which updates and re-parses the code file when it changes on disk, for faster re-programs during the development cycle.
  5. A more informative About box and the few preferences which exist moved to a Preferences pane.

The command-line tool, nrfjprog, has also been updated to use the same softdevice database, so if the hex file is recognised, there's no need to specify the softdevice version. There is now also an 'update' command for nrfjprog which checks and updates the softdevice info database.

I'll attempt to keep the softdevice info database updated as new ones are released. If you're using one which isn't recognised, please file a ticket and I'll ask you for some information and add it.

As usual please report bugs on the ticket system on sourceforge and I'll try to get to them when I have a little time.


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