SD card interfacing


I have written SD & SDHC card routine for reading, writing and erasing data from SD card. It used the hardware SPI of nRF51822.


1)Define the PINs of SD card first before initialing.

2)Define MOSI, MISO and SCK pins only, define the CS pin to some other pin that is not being used( these pin are define in spi_master_config.h )

3)CS pin should be separately define in SD_Routines.c by the name #define MMCSD_PIN_SELECT 29

4)If you are facing problem in using my library then first test you SPI separately.

SD_Routines.c SD_Routines.h

  • Great library Kumar (and of course you Salman). Do you mind making a new blog with link to this code which uses the filesystem? This would make it easier for people to see it. Have a link to this for the hardware connections.

    I had problems when using nRF52, which was caused by this errata. The solution was to use SPI0 instead of SPIM0 (#define SPI0_USE_EASY_DMA 0). Implementing the workaround should also work.

  • Great library Kumar (and of course you Salman). Do you mind making a new blog with link to this code which uses the filesystem? This would make it easier for people to see it. Have a link to this for the hardware connections.

    I had problems when using nRF52, which was caused by this errata. The solution was to use SPI0 instead of SPIM0 (#define SPI0_USE_EASY_DMA 0). Implementing the workaround should also work.

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