Using Nordic's SDKs with the GNU G++ Compiler

A persistant problem that people using the C++ compiler from the "GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors" toolchain has been the way that G++ handles the inline-assembly for the SVC instruction.

Specifically, you get an impossible constraint in 'asm' error when trying to use any softdevice header.

There have been a few questions about this here on the Nordic Developer Zone, here for example, with putative answers on StackOverflow.

However, myself and others have found that the "insert a cast" answer on StackOverflow does not work with the latest (4.9) G++ under the -Os optimization mode. Digging into the issue, it appears that different code generation and optimization options make it hit-and-miss with being able to use the GNU G++ compiler.

Note that often GCC will work even though G++ does not because the rules of type-inference for enumdiffer substantially between C and C++. For the current GNU compilers, even explicitly setting the type via enum : unsigned char { ... } does not work (and might be a compiler bug).

Therefore, I've created a tool on GitHub that automagically translates Nordic's enum header files into Keil-compatible #define constants.

Since I can't release the modified Nordic SDKs, I've opted to release the tool, and just the patch files under the MIT license.

Comments and suggestions (and better yet, patches) are gratefully accepted.

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