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central multilink example not building

Hi, All

I am trying the example here ...ncs\v1.9.1\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\central_multilink\ with nRF52833dk_nrf52833 board, however it doesn't build, and saying the  maximum conn number is outside of the valid range of [1. 20]. 

What is the range of CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN? another example says 20, but why this one set it to 62?

Another question, when a central is connected to some peripherals,  is it still able to do scanning?

Thanks you!


  • Another question, when a central is connected to some peripherals,  is it still able to do scanning?

    Yes it is able to scan.

    CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN = 62 is too high value. About 32 is maximum for nrf52

    CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN = 62 is for other board sample

  • Thank you for reply!

    So CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN  is depend on SoC?

    32 doesn't compile neither, maximum 20 for me, I wonder where I can find the limit for different boards.



  • Hi

    The CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN can be set between 1 and 64, but is restricted by the size of the memory on the device you're using. The Zephyr sample sets it to close to max just because it's possible, but it has to be modified when using devices with less memory. Can you show me the build error you get when trying to set the max connection to more than 20?

    Regarding the scanning, the central_multilink will start scanning, then connect to the first connectable device with an RSSI better than -35dBm. Once the connection is completed, the device will start scanning again and connect to the next connectable advertising device with good enough RSSI. This will go on until the max connections are reached I think (or there are no more suitable peripherals to connect to.

    Best regards,


  • Hello, Simonr

    Thank you for your reply. below is the screenshot.

  • Hi, Simonr

    Further on scan/connection, I noticed that it stops scan when it decides to connect to a device, I need my application always scan - is this possible? Do i need to create a scan only thread?

    I tried to comment out the bt_le_scan_stop() before create connection, but it failed to connect, with reason -11, where can i find all the reason code for connect/disconnect please?


