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  • Accessing the SoftDevice API from Python with pc-ble-driver-py

    A new tool from Nordic has been released, pc-ble-driver-py, which allows Python developers to access the full SoftDevice 2.x.x API from a Python application. Update: Raspberry Pi unofficial build available…
  • NFC tag antenna tuning

    NFC principle A NFC system consists of two devices, an active and a passive device. The active device is powered, and induces a magnetic field with a coil inductor antenna. When the passive device is placed…
  • NRF52 debugging with QtCreator on Windows

    Hello I succeeded to configure QtCreator toolchain to compile and debug my NRF52 board. So I wanted to share. I use my own Makefile to compile everything so I will focus here on how to run a debug session…
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