I am trying to migrate a project nRF Connect SDK v2.6.2 to v2.7.0 for the nrf5340dk target board, particularly to update to the new hw model v2 and sysbuild. I am...
I am working my way through the Beginner course on Dev Academy, and am trying my hand at using my own accelerometer breakout board communicating over I2C for lesson 6.
I need help building the connectivity firmware and getting it working with the examples in pc-ble-driver-py.
If I use nRF Connect Desktop to program a nRF52840 DK, I can...
Using the nRF Connect Desktop application and the nRF Connect SDK for my nRF9160dk.
I would like to monitor RAM usage during runtime of my program. In particular I am interested...
in prj.conf
I have several warnings in my application that look like this XXXXXXX set more that once. Old Value "x", new value "x". I am worried that this indicates I...
As customers reach the end of their design cycle, their attention generally falls on power optimization, especially for battery powered designs. The following are hints for achieving the lowest possible…
It has been some time since we released new SDK for the nRFready Smart Remote 3 for nRF52 Series. The recently released rev 1.2 of the firmware introduces a lot of new features and improvements. This SDK…
We have had a few questions on the Nordic DevZone related to state of charge estimation of Li-Ion batteries when used in conjucture with an nrf52 DK.
This blog post will show you how to customize your…
Before we begin
Topics that will be covered include:
Before we begin
Necessary equipment and software
Necessary prior knowledge
Some basic theory
The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
Setting up the Timeslot API
When you want to use the radio while still maintaining a BLE connection or have a task that you need to do uninterrupted by radio activity, you can set up a timeslot. The timeslot…
Radio Notification
In this tutorial we will set up a beacon example and modify it to use radio notification. Then we will use radio notification to light a LED when the radio is transmitting.
While this…
Board Support Package
In this tutorial we will use the Board Support Package to control hardware peripherals on the nRF51 or nRF52 DK.
Required tools
Keil 5.20
nRF SDK 11nRFgo Studio 1.21.…
nRF51 Low power modes and power profiles documentation
The low power modes for the nRF51 series are System On and System Off. You can read about them in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual v3.0 sections…
###Note: This tutorial is for the legacy DFU module included in SDK version 11 and earlier. To get started with the new DFU included in SDK 12 and above, please see the SDK documentation in the Infocenter…