I'm having some issues regarding the data update interval when running the asset_tracker_v2 application, particularly with adjusting how frequently it publishes data to the...
Dear Nordic,
it's about USB implementation. We need to add interface string descriptor for ineterface name. Using USBD_STRING_DESCR_DEFINE(primary) I've added that to string...
Hello, I have NRF D 24LU1P 1201FD and NRF F 24LU1P 2136IW. The first one executes all commands, while the second one does not work for writing and erasing. I tried to erase...
The purpose of this blog is to provide a step by step guide to help a developer, starting off with the Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 DK, get the tools installed and get the software (SW) development environment…
This post started as a question, but got the suggestion to post this as a blog post. Here it is.
I have been trying to get QtCreator configured such that I can use it as my IDE for the nrf51822 on Mac…
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Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…