SDK 6.0.0
Softdevice 7.0
When I connect to Android 4.4.3 device(Nexus7 II) will...
SDK 6.0.0
Softdevice 7.0
When I connect to Android 4.4.3 device(Nexus7 II) will...
I have been trying to understand and get the “ble_app_template” running this weekend, but I keep running into errors. For example in
static void sys_evt_dispatch(uint32_t...
Based on the nRFUart demo, I added a masterEmulator.DiscoverServices() block before the DiscoverPipes() block in a very similar manner. Purposed is to be able to get more...
There is much talking about the "large data transfer" over BLE, the l2cap channel being the best option for the moment.
However, does anyone know the datarate achievable...
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Do you not use Windows but OS X or Linux? Do you use Windows but find the old tools expensive and terrible to deal with? Are you a hobbyist who doesn't have $2000 and an annual fee to spend on a toolset…
This tutorial is aimed at implementing the nRF Desktop application on the nRF52840 Development Kit (DK) using the nRF Connect SDK, thereby allowing it to work either as a gaming mouse, keyboard, or dongle…
This guide is for an older version of the nRF Connect SDK.
For a newer guide on Bootloaders and DFU, we recommend https://academy.nordicsemi.com/courses/nrf-connect-sdk…
Does your build fail today, even though it worked fine yesterday? Are you able to build your project on another computer, but not the one you need to use now? Here are eight things you can try to fix these…
Learn to add and configure an I2C/TWI Master Zephyr driver to an NRF Connect SDK project.
Learn to add and configure an I2C/TWI Slave nRFX driver to an NRF Connect SDK project.
Using the nRF Connect SDK / West to Program the Radio_Test example into the nRF5340 DK
There is a need to be able to put a Nordic Semiconductors System-on-Chip / transceiver into modes where…
The "Concurrent Multiprotocol Timeslot API" was introduced with v7.0 of the S110 SoftDevice in 2014. The original purpose was to allow customers to build their own proprietary networks using…