Using S120 V alpha, processing a BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP,
received 0x16 bytes of data but there is more to read. Next call to
sd_ble_gattc_read using the same connection...
Why Bluetooth Go to system-off mode, sd_power_ramon_set can not be stored. In D: \ RAM save nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364 \ nrf51822 \ Board \ nrf6310 \ s110 \ ble_app_rscs...
Recently I want to set up a dynamic network that with the node change this position ,the network will change dynamically.But there is the question,with the node's position...
Dir Sir. I am checking the current profile of nRF24AP2 in RX mode.
After "open channel" command, I found the peak current at 10ms interval until connection pass.
How does...
I am using Nordic's UART service to communicate with my project. I use iOS and also Master Control Panel (with a dongle) on a laptop.
I have two questions:
Apple’s newest technology known as iBeacon has taken the retail world by storm, and should definitely be considered as a mobile marketing tactic for all companies. iBeacon is an indoor positioning system…
Over the last few months, work has been done to create a new Developer Zone on a more robust and future-proof foundation. Today, we're finally launching the result of this effort.
We've been tremendously…
This tutorial uses an outdated version of nRF Connect SDK.
We recommend using the latest version of nRF Connect SDK when getting started with development.
Please see academy…
UPDATE MAY 2021:Please follow the official documentation in infocenter.
The following information is deprecated, please follow the documentation link at the top.
Trace Collector app collects UART traces…
In this example we are using the nRF Connect for Cloud Device API, which is a free service for protyping IoT products and is built on top of AWS IoT, to store dust sensor readings.
The API is device-agnostic…
This document will explain the Mesh Demo and the motivations behind the design decisions.
Please find attached PDF file at the bottom of this tutorial for high-resolution version of this tutorial…
The GNU Debugger (GDB) is a popular tool that provides familiar features like breakpoints along with a command syntax that allows creativity in the debugging process. Although its command line interface…
2020-08-04: The content of this guide is now covered in the documentation on Infocenter. For the most up-to-date Getting started guide with nRF9160 DK please follow this link.
2020-03-09: Updated tutorial to…