Using S120 V alpha, processing a BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP,
received 0x16 bytes of data but there is more to read. Next call to
sd_ble_gattc_read using the same connection...
Why Bluetooth Go to system-off mode, sd_power_ramon_set can not be stored. In D: \ RAM save nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364 \ nrf51822 \ Board \ nrf6310 \ s110 \ ble_app_rscs...
Recently I want to set up a dynamic network that with the node change this position ,the network will change dynamically.But there is the question,with the node's position...
Dir Sir. I am checking the current profile of nRF24AP2 in RX mode.
After "open channel" command, I found the peak current at 10ms interval until connection pass.
How does...
I am using Nordic's UART service to communicate with my project. I use iOS and also Master Control Panel (with a dongle) on a laptop.
I have two questions:
This blog post contains answers to questions asked during the "Introduction to Nordic Thingy:91" webinar hosted by Nordic Semiconductor 22.08.2019.
You can watch a recording of the webinar h…
Thingy:91 FAQ
Should I update to the latest firmware?
Yes, it's recommended to update the firmware to get the latest and greatest functionality. See Update Thingy:91 firmware.
What if I want to try…
For the past ten months, we’ve been busy, hunkering down in front of our keyboards, keeping the blinds down, shooting mean looks at our bosses whenever they dared interrupt us. And of course, all the while…
Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…