We have experienced odd problem, we are not able to scroll up or down SDK documentation at these pages on Android devices. IPHONE browser Safari works ok. Any help...
I tried to add a RTC wakeup funtion to my ble device, so i add the code of the Nordic board example named "rtc_example" to my program.
But it turned out that my...
I'm working on a Keyboard&Touchpad project, very similar configuration with Smart Remote 2, so I'm considering to use nRF24LU1+ as receiver's MCU. The receiver will be...
uint32_t ble_advdata_set (const ble_advdata_t *p_advdata, const ble_advdata_t *p_srdata)
If I set the second parameter p_srdata, does it mean passing encoded advertising...
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The "Hello world" example
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