Can you please tell me if there is any example in nrf connect SDK v1.5.0 related to data transfer concepts.
Is ble controller will be enabled during...
I'm was testing the gsp sample in samples/nrf9160/gps. It runs fine on my nRF9160DK and reports NMEA messages. However, when i ran it on my custom board, it failed in setup_modem...
I'm attempting to obtain sensor values for a project to be completed less than a week from now and I have not yet started programming so any help would be greatly appreciated...
I am using nrf52832,SDK version: SDK : RF5_SDK_17.0.2 .
USE CASE:We have two central and one peripheral.We need to control two central with one peripheral(REMOTE...
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We have been receiving quite a few questions about the compatibility issue between the bootloaders from different SDK versions and the DFU master such as nRF Master Control Panel, nRFToolbox, etc.
The first version of Nordic IoT SDK has been released over 6 months. Till now, there have been no well-known router solutions supporting Bluetooth Low Energy over IPv6. This made us the BLE application…
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