I just started to interface the lcd display with nrf51822 evaluation board. The display i'm using is, spi compatible, 18" tft (160x130) from tiny lcd. I took spi master...
We are using the nRF905 device in an application where it needs to switch between auto-retransmitting and sending single packets, due to it communicating with several...
This is not a real question for support. It's more a success story i'd like to share with you!
Our company develops firmware for various customers on a lot of different...
Hi all,
What is the maximum data rate for the nRF24AP2 when using the Synchronous serial interface?
I cann't see it in the datasheet.
Is there anyone can answer me...
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We have been receiving quite a few questions about the compatibility issue between the bootloaders from different SDK versions and the DFU master such as nRF Master Control Panel, nRFToolbox, etc.
The first version of Nordic IoT SDK has been released over 6 months. Till now, there have been no well-known router solutions supporting Bluetooth Low Energy over IPv6. This made us the BLE application…
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