Dear friend I checked the data sheet of 52820 and I didn't see any LPCOMP peripherals. Check the data sheet of 52832, there are LPCOMP peripherals. Comparing COMP and LPCOMP...
I am working on internal flash nRF52832 merged with twi sensor, my sensor function will return a string . How to assign the string to the my_data.p_data . i am getting...
Developing on the nrf51822
Have working code for the nRF52840 Dongle using the pc-ble-driver therefore all Bluetooth work is done using sd_* calls. The PC provides easy...
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We have been receiving quite a few questions about the compatibility issue between the bootloaders from different SDK versions and the DFU master such as nRF Master Control Panel, nRFToolbox, etc.
The first version of Nordic IoT SDK has been released over 6 months. Till now, there have been no well-known router solutions supporting Bluetooth Low Energy over IPv6. This made us the BLE application…
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