Hi to all Nordic product lovers,
This is not a question but rather an announcement of a new nRF52840 based finger tip size module 14 x 9 x 1.6mm launched at CrowdSupply...
I have a SPI slave device which outputs 8-bit registers that I have to assemble. For example, I receive two 8-bit registers, a high and a low register, which I have...
I have a PCA10059 dongle. I have inadvertently configured pin P0.25 as the sleep debug pin and I use active state 0 as I am using off board LEDs with reverse logic. This means...
If you're working on a product that requires you to show and translate GATT Attribute (Service, Characteristic and/or Descriptor) UUIDs to Strings to the user, it's likely...
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Do you not use Windows but OS X or Linux? Do you use Windows but find the old tools expensive and terrible to deal with? Are you a hobbyist who doesn't have $2000 and an annual fee to spend on a toolset…
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