Trying to find some docs on "flashing" vs. booting the nRF54L15 from RRAM.
- are there any implementations available? - any ways to lock 1st & 2nd-stage bootloader areas...
hi, noted a few things in the Rev 1 Errata v0.8 that might be tricky to solve practically in sw/hw
3.16 [33] RADIO: GPIOs can exhibit radiated emissions
I am using ncs sdk, my projects are under ~/zephyr-workspace. This is from an example project - blinkypwm. The clangd compiler shows the following erro: In included file:...
We want to use a BL6554PA (based on the nRF52840) as a thread node and enable the integrated Skyworks SKY66112-11 front-end module with PA and LNA to increase our range. I...
Nordic's nPM1300 is a power management IC (PMIC) that is especially well-suited for SoCs like the nRF52 and nRF53 Series. Compared to the SoC's internal regulators, the PMIC is built on a larger 180…
As engineers and developers creating IoT products, you will rely on various resources to bring your ideas to life. Oftentimes, one of the most indispensable resources gets overlooked, and it's one you…
There is a need to enable Nordic hardware with the Direct Test Mode (DTM) firmware. This is so the physical layer and RF characteristics may be ascertained as set in the Bluetooth Sig Specification…
This document uses:
Segger Embedded Studio (SES)
nRF5 SDK v17.1.0
an nRF52 DK to emulate the nRF52810
a BLE-enabled mobile device
You may want to review the blog here for a more comprehensive…
This hands-on tutorial uses:
Segger Embedded Studio (SES)
nRF5 SDK v17.1.0
an nRF52840 DK
a BLE-enabled mobile device
You can use an nRF52 DK or nRF52833 DK instead of the nRF52840 DK,…
This is part 3 of the series Building a Bluetooth application on nRF Connect SDK
You can find other parts here:
Part 1 - Peripheral Role.
Part 2 - Central Role.
In Part 1 we covered the generic architecture…
The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate the use of Bluetooth Shell. Bluetooth Shell (BT Shell) is a command-line shell application that runs over the UART. It allows one to manually type in…
Out of the box, the examples in the nRF Connect SDK are configured for ease of use, functionality, and debugging; they are not generally configured for optimal memory utilization. Some of the examples…