We are using the development board PCA10040 for implementing a prototype with several GPIO interruptions.
We are trying to use the NFC pins (pin 9 and 10) as pins of GPIO...
Development Software:
nRF5 SDK for Mesh v3.1.0
SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM v3.50
SoftDevice S140 v6.1.0
Computer Platform:
Windows 10 Professional
nrf52832 mesh sdk v3.1.0
Q1: when friend feature node code can get? now just is bin file.
Q2: mesh has just four feature devices, friend feature...
It seems the LTE-M / NB IoT isn't available Europe-wide yet, and roaming applies country-wise.
Can anybody share his/her experience of using the BLG840F?
thank you.
I am trying to build a thread network using a border router nRF52840 with a Raspi3B+ and 2 others end-devices nRF52840 connected on a CPU Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I have...
In this article, I use the I2S peripheral of the Nordic nRF52832 to generate the waveforms required to drive the popular WS2812B RGB LEDs.
Thingy:52 Node.js Raspberry Pi Interface
This blog post is a follow up to the Nordic Thingy:52 node.js/Raspberry Pi demos blog post, and will described how you can run and what to expect from each of…
This post describes how you can get the ble_app_hrs_freertos example project running in Atollic TrueSTUDIO 8.0 on a pca10040 board. This is a managed make build, it does not rely on the makefile provided…
This tutorial uses an outdated version of nRF Connect SDK.
We recommend using the latest version of nRF Connect SDK when getting started with development.
Please see academy…
UPDATE MAY 2021:Please follow the official documentation in infocenter.
The following information is deprecated, please follow the documentation link at the top.
Trace Collector app collects UART traces…
In this example we are using the nRF Connect for Cloud Device API, which is a free service for protyping IoT products and is built on top of AWS IoT, to store dust sensor readings.
The API is device-agnostic…
This document will explain the Mesh Demo and the motivations behind the design decisions.
Please find attached PDF file at the bottom of this tutorial for high-resolution version of this tutorial…
The GNU Debugger (GDB) is a popular tool that provides familiar features like breakpoints along with a command syntax that allows creativity in the debugging process. Although its command line interface…
2020-08-04: The content of this guide is now covered in the documentation on Infocenter. For the most up-to-date Getting started guide with nRF9160 DK please follow this link.
2020-03-09: Updated tutorial to…