I'm wondering if I can get current transmitting channel during a connection. So
Is there a way I can directly read current transmitting channel?
If not, is...
This question has to do with the observed "recursivity" of the calls to "app_sched_execute" in SDK13 as described in the previously asked question below:
How do i do ble_app beacon advertisement to one device(Android phone) whose bluetooth address is known ?? I want that beacons should only be seen in nrf_connect app of...
why use 50ms and 400ms connection interval for testing the maximum data throughput(2M,247byte payload)?
Because 50ms can only send a pdu , and 400ms can send up to 8 pdu...
I am using Keil IDE to develop nRF51822 project.
in main(), the command line
has Error : L6218E...
Thingy:52 Python Raspberry Pi Interface
This blog is a follow up to both the Nordic Thingy:52 node.js/Raspberry Pi demos and the https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/blogs/1160/walkthrough-of-nordic-thingy52…
In this article, I use the I2S peripheral of the Nordic nRF52832 to generate the waveforms required to drive the popular WS2812B RGB LEDs.
Thingy:52 Node.js Raspberry Pi Interface
This blog post is a follow up to the Nordic Thingy:52 node.js/Raspberry Pi demos blog post, and will described how you can run and what to expect from each of…
Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…