I'm looking for a good firmware engineer that can take my current firmware and add the buttonless DFU to it. I currently use the Keil environment but am open to switching...
I am working on PCA10040 board using Keil u5 debugger (V5.23.0.0, JLink setup). After accepting the continuous firmware update requests I get the error message "Missing core...
I have just started using a nRF52840 PDK board with the purpose to verify BT 5.0 features. I am completely beginner working with nRF boards or nRF SDK. Anyways, I downloaded...
I have a USB host capable Android device running CentOS via Linux Deploy and everything is working perfectly except i'm unable to connect to my USB nRF24LU1+ Crazyradio PA...
NFC principle
A NFC system consists of two devices, an active and a passive device. The active device is powered, and induces a magnetic field with a coil inductor antenna. When the passive device is placed…
Hello I succeeded to configure QtCreator toolchain to compile and debug
my NRF52 board. So I wanted to share.
I use my own Makefile to compile everything so I will focus here on how to run
a debug session…
In spring 2016 four students from NTNU got an assignment from Nordic Semiconductor. To compliment this assignment, the students wrote a short article:
"What if controlling household appliances with your…
Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…