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Recent in Nordic blog
  • How to user the DFU in the iOS

    The article introduces how to use the OTA (over the air) DFU in iOS. Step1, Connect your iOS device to iTune Select Apps, Drop App List to bottom, and select the “nRF Toolbox” app in the “File…
  • Documentation and Resources for Eclipse Development

    You have your choice of development tools for working with the Nordic nRF51x22 chips. If you want to use Eclipse + GCC for development, there are some app-notes and blog posts to help you on the way. …
  • Tools for OS X Development

    I've been working on setting my Mac up for development with the Nordic nRF51x22. Working on a Mac rules out using the Keil µVision IDE (unless I wanted to use Windows virtualization). Fortunately, there…
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