i am using the Nrf52dk with Visualgdb.
i try to run the example project (tcp/IP -> client).
i am using the Nrf5 IoT sdk v0.9
Project complied successfully but i...
I'm using an nRF52 (SDK11.0.0, s132) and am able to generate a hex and axf via Keil/uVision. It uploads and works just fine using a Segger J-Link. I want to try some lower...
Hi, I'm a newbie to Nordic and need to use multiple nRF24LE1s to get ADC values and transmit them to a single nRF24L01 connected to an Arduino. I need sample Keil compiler...
Bluetooth LE is a fantastic technology for battery powered, Internet of Things devices. However, most dev kits require tethering to a smartphone, limiting the range and usefulness to only when the user…
Serial DFU Procedure and Tips
Some of you may need to use Serial DFU to transfer firmware from external MCU or PC.
So I am posting this blog to might help saving your time to debug and development…
If you have bookmarked pages in our Infocenter, you might have noticed that many of those links don't work anymore. This is due to major changes to the backend of the Infocenter structure that will make…
Provide a brief primer to NCS and Zephyr
Provide a quick-start guide to adding peripherals to an existing sample project
Demonstrate running both foreground and background tasks within Zephyr…
Note: From nRF Connect SDK v1.7.0 onwards, if you build for the thingy91_nrf9160_ns or thingy91_nrf52840, everything in this guide is already done automatically. Since that SDK release, the board files…
If you’re thinking about building a network of sensors and you begin to survey the options, you’re likely to encounter a frothing sea of acronyms representing a variety of standards and protocols clamoring…
Some time ago I was working on a project that involved communication between Bluetooth mesh and a home automation platform. The goal of this project was to enable control and observability of…
The question of how to update advertising data dynamically using the BLE Advertising library has been raised many times by our forum-goers, especially after the release of nRF5 SDK v15.2.0…
The purpose of this blog is to show how to create a Zephyr application that boots from the MCUBoot bootloader. We will also show how to update an application using the Device Firmware Update (DFU…