hello, im from india im using nrf24l01+ for my project to transmit and receive data between two arduinos. i tried all tutorial basic programs but i cant sucessfully send and...
I'm analyzing app_timer scheduling code..
I have an question about list_insertation_handler function in SWI0_ISR
I think if ( (p_timer->ticks_at_start - m_ticks_latest...
I would like to test the newly added v4.2/v5.0 Bluetooth features (e.g. LE Secure Connections, Data Packet Length Extension, 2xSpeed, etc) against non-nordic devices. I have...
I am working on a project using a ble nano (nrf51822) using the Nordic SDK 8.1. In the examples I found a way to control an LED using the methods LEDS_ON and LEDS_OFF. I wanted...
I am using ble_app_gls example and I have implemented static passkey in the code. Now I want to see if wireshark shows the passkey when I connect to ble devices. For...
This post started as a question, but got the suggestion to post this as a blog post. Here it is.
I have been trying to get QtCreator configured such that I can use it as my IDE for the nrf51822 on Mac…
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Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
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