I'm trying to design a very low power sensor that takes readings using ADC and SPI 200 times a second. I'm a bit worried by the current EasyDMA uses (1.1mA). As far as I can...
Hi, I am working on a project where I want to make one nrf51288 chip as central hub and connect that to a android phone and other salve nrf51288 .
idea similar to this: ...
I have a code programming the nRF51422 development board to write to a Sharp Memory 96x96 pixel LCD screen using SPI.
Currently the code writes two numbers and a...
I've modified the ble_app_uart example by adding GPIOTE so that the transmitter sends a character to the receiver when a GPIO pin is toggled. This part is working well.
I am working on my hardware product having nRF-51422 chipset. I just came to know from forum post that
nRF-52 chips will get arduino IDE support as standalone. I want...
Using proprietary protocols can be an effective way of addressing shortcomings in BLE. When communicating between two nRF chips, one can for example use a different packet format or different…
Hello everybody,
I have just published the sourcecode of FruityMesh on GitHub. It is a meshing algorithm that uses standard BLE connections. Plug in as many nodes as you like and they will automatically…
This tutorial shows how to create and debug a basic project for the Nordic nRF51-DK using Visual Studio. Before you begin, install VisualGDB 5.0 or later.
Start Visual Studio and begin creating a new…
This tutorial uses an outdated version of nRF Connect SDK.
We recommend using the latest version of nRF Connect SDK when getting started with development.
Please see academy…
UPDATE MAY 2021:Please follow the official documentation in infocenter.
The following information is deprecated, please follow the documentation link at the top.
Trace Collector app collects UART traces…
In this example we are using the nRF Connect for Cloud Device API, which is a free service for protyping IoT products and is built on top of AWS IoT, to store dust sensor readings.
The API is device-agnostic…
This document will explain the Mesh Demo and the motivations behind the design decisions.
Please find attached PDF file at the bottom of this tutorial for high-resolution version of this tutorial…
The GNU Debugger (GDB) is a popular tool that provides familiar features like breakpoints along with a command syntax that allows creativity in the debugging process. Although its command line interface…
2020-08-04: The content of this guide is now covered in the documentation on Infocenter. For the most up-to-date Getting started guide with nRF9160 DK please follow this link.
2020-03-09: Updated tutorial to…