As the subject says, I am working on a project that when I try to enable the CONFIG_USB_CDC_ACM in my prj.conf I see this error post-build. It seems to not matter...
I encountered an issue where my NRF54L15DK development board fails to connect to my Windows 11 PC. Upon plugging in the board, the LED near the debugger starts...
I'm trying to connect a SIM800L to my nrf52840-dk which I power through 5V USB. I'm a beginner at electronics so just want to make sure I understand how to wire things, please...
I would like to know what are the prerequisites to get the ICCID of the sim card:
This is the code I use, nothing special. I can get the IMEI of the modem but not...
We have the Watchdog on the 5340 running but when we enter the software updater we wish to dissable it.
We have the following code to disable it but we are seeing the watchdog...
| |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_
| - || _ | -__| || | | || _|| _|
|_______|| __|_____|__|__||________||__| |____|
|__| W I R E L E S S F R E E D…
We have been receiving quite a few questions about the compatibility issue between the bootloaders from different SDK versions and the DFU master such as nRF Master Control Panel, nRFToolbox, etc.
The first version of Nordic IoT SDK has been released over 6 months. Till now, there have been no well-known router solutions supporting Bluetooth Low Energy over IPv6. This made us the BLE application…
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