Example of using external flash that is on nRF5340dk ?

Im having trouble setting up and using flash on nRF5340dk. 

Is there any example on how to use LittleFS on external flash that is on the dev kit?

Parents Reply
  • Hi, 

    If you enable the partition manager and let it decide the memory layout without the pm_static.yml. 

    Here is my test project smp_svr_nRF5340.7z for NCS v2.3.0. You can build it with overlay-bt.conf to support BLE DFU. Here is the command for west build:

    west build -p -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -d build_nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-bt.conf 

    I will be out of the office for one month and will not be able to reply to the case during this period. If you are urgent for support, please create a new support case. 

    -Amanda H.

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