Zigbee Coordinator Nrf52840 Kit Development

I have a Temperature and Humidity Zigbee Sensor, link is here: https://www.aqara.com/us/temperature_humidity_sensor.html
Now I use nrf52840 kit as coordinator and use the Zigbee : Network Coordinator example project. Can I pair that sensor?
  • Hello,

    Well it might be configured with a different link key than the default, which can make it unusable on other coordinators than the Aqara Hub. Considering this response on the Amazon link I am concerned that might be the case. 

    But either way it can also be a bit of a hazzle to modify the coordinator to work with it. Here is a previous old case in which someone got an Aqara sensor to work with nRF5 SDK though, that might be interesting to look at. I assume you are using NCS though?

    I guess you could ask Aguara themselves to be sure, or just try and see if it works. If the link key is okay and it uses Zigbee3.0, I think it should be possible even though it can be a lot of work.



  • Hi Elfving,

    I tried adding Aqara sensor but when I view the log I get:

    I: Device update received (short: 0xd1fb, long: 00158d00079ae1bd, status: 0)
    I: New device commissioned or rejoined (short: 0xd1fb)
    I: Joining period extended.
    I: Device authorization event received (short: 0xd1fb, long: 00158d00079ae1bd, authorization type: 1, authorization status: 1)
    I: Child left the network (long: 00158d00079ae1bd, rejoin flag: 0)
    I: Child left the network (long: 00158d00079ae1bd, rejoin flag: 0)
    I: Device update received (short: 0xd1fb, long: 00158d00079ae1bd, status: 0)
    I: New device commissioned or rejoined (short: 0xd1fb)
    I: Joining period extended.
    I: Device authorization event received (short: 0xd1fb, long: 00158d00079ae1bd, authorization type: 1, authorization status: 1)
    I: Child left the network (long: 00158d00079ae1bd, rejoin flag: 0)
    I: Child left the network (long: 00158d00079ae1bd, rejoin flag: 0)
    I: Device update received (short: 0xd1fb, long: 00158d00079ae1bd, status: 0)
    I: Device authorization event received (short: 0xd1fb, long: 00158d00079ae1bd, authorization type: 1, authorization status: 1)
    I: Child left the network (long: 00158d00079ae1bd, rejoin flag: 0)

    I don't know if it's the right channel or not?

  • Hi,

    Thank you, I got the battery message but it doesn't seem to be firing continuously, but it fires periodically, within 24 hours.

  • I see. That sounds a bit similar to what they are talking about in this github issue, which might be interesting to you. Either the device needs this time to figure out what the battery level is, or it is configured to only let you know every 24h. 



  • Hi Thang47, 

    I am trying to acquire data from a Thirdreality motion sensor. And when I run the network coordinator example, I get this exact log output. The child leaves the network. How were you able to fix it and pair the sensor? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, You can try: 

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