After update from nrf SDK 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 I can not add build configuration in VSCode - "No Boards Found"

I have

  • updated from sdk 2.4.0 to 2.4.1.
  • Created a  multicore hello_world application from samples inside VScode
  • Proceeded to create a build configuration but the tool does not find any boards. The pull down scrollbox is not being populated. It holds the default value: "No boards Found". This irrespective if I select Compatible boards, nordic boards or all boards in the radio buttons.

I have installed the two sdk's in the recommended locations c:\ncs

I notice that the toolchain is still using the same toolchain as v2.4.0

Any idea what is missing here.

  • Hi,

    Could you verify the installation method of the SDK? Was it through the Toolchain Manager?

    If so, then you might be able to resolve the issue by updating the SDK/Toolchain as shown in the image


    Kind regards,

  • I applied the update sdk then toolchain for 2.4.0 then 2.4.1. But no apparent change.

    Can you confirm that the folder structure of 2.4.1 is supposed to be similar to 2.4.0? 

    I notice that there is at least one error message (MalformedConfig) in the logfile of the Tc. Manager v1.2.5

    In copy the last lines of this file below-

    -------- logfile ----------

    2023-08-04T11:33:49.859Z DEBUG return self._get(lambda cf: cf.get(option), default, configfile)
    File "C:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\Lib\site-packages\west\", line 219, in _get

    2023-08-04T11:33:49.860Z DEBUG for cf in self._whence(configfile):
    File "C:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\Lib\site-packages\west\", line 240, in _whence

    2023-08-04T11:33:49.861Z DEBUG raise MalformedConfig('local configuration file not found')
    2023-08-04T11:33:49.861Z DEBUG .MalformedConfig: local configuration file not found

    2023-08-04T11:33:50.600Z DEBUG usage: west [-h] [-z ZEPHYR_BASE] [-v] [-V] <command> ...
    west: error: argument <command>: invalid choice: 'zephyr-export' (choose from 'init', 'update', 'list', 'manifest', 'diff', 'status', 'forall', 'help', 'config', 'topdir', 'selfupdate')

    2023-08-04T11:33:50.671Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK successfully","label":"v2.4.1; win32; x64"}
    2023-08-04T11:33:50.673Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK time consumed","label":"0 min; v2.4.1"}
    2023-08-04T11:33:50.674Z INFO Finished cloning version v2.4.1 of the nRF Connect SDK after approximately 0 minute(s)
    2023-08-04T11:34:02.021Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Install toolchain from nrfutil","label":"v2.4.1; C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\31f4403e35"}

  • henning larsen said:
    Can you confirm that the folder structure of 2.4.1 is supposed to be similar to 2.4.0? 

    Yes, the folder structure should be similar. NCS consists of multiple repositories as shown in the image here and you should expect that all of these repositories are present


    I assume you've already tried to do so, but could you remove the SDK installation and attempt a reinstall of 2.4.1?

    Kind regards,

  • henning larsen said:
    Can you confirm that the folder structure of 2.4.1 is supposed to be similar to 2.4.0? 

    Yes, the folder structure should be similar. NCS consists of multiple repositories as shown in the image here and you should expect that all of these repositories are present


    I assume you've already tried to do so, but could you remove the SDK installation and attempt a reinstall of 2.4.1?

    Kind regards,

  • Ok this file structure is not seen. Probably linked to the above error.

    I have not tried uninstalling v2.4.1 and when I do I get this:

    despite a recent reboot. Maybe a virusscanner is pulling my legs. I was able to delete the files (v2.4.1) and restore them so acces rights are ok.

    After this operation the uninstall worked and more important the installation of sdk v2.4.1 worked.

    Pheww what a trip for so little. Hope this is just a "spike".
