I am testing the flash erasing times of nRF52832, and i find that the minimum times of flash erase\write are 10000 documented in the data sheet.
I konw the times are tested at very high temperature(non-normal temperature), so I 'm curious about how many times of flash erase/write are at room tempetature.
The FS and NVMC are programing and downloaded in the nRF52832 chip.
The erase times can get by J-link RTT Viewer, and the codes generate random numbers and write them to flash.
Just pay attention to this times of flash erase (the red arrow is marked) .
Regarding the question:
1) are the times right? Why is it that the flash is still not damaged after so many erases?
2) if not, could i know the times of flash erase/write at room tempetature?
3) are the codes right attached the end of the page?
FS code log: run many times and reset by manual (erase times more than a million times in total)
NVMC code log: erase times more than a million times in total
FS code:
while(true) { NRF_LOG_FLUSH(); NRF_LOG_INFO("\n =============================================== "); uint8_t p_buff[RANDOM_BUFF_SIZE]; uint8_t length = random_vector_generate(p_buff,RANDOM_BUFF_SIZE); NRF_LOG_INFO("Write Random Vector:"); NRF_LOG_HEXDUMP_INFO(p_buff, length); NRF_LOG_INFO(""); NRF_LOG_FLUSH(); nrf_delay_ms(20); memcpy(my_fs_info.write_data, p_buff, length); my_fs_info.write_len = length; nrf_delay_ms(100); // flash write if((my_fs_info.need_write == true) && (my_fs_info.busy == false)&&(reverse_flag == false)) { if((write_err_cnt > 100) || (erase_err_cnt > 100)) { NRF_LOG_INFO(" ==== write enough!!!! ===="); NRF_LOG_INFO(" ==== write enough!!!! ===="); continue; } if(my_fs_info.write_len == 0) { continue; } my_fs_info.busy = true; my_fs_info.need_write = false; my_fs_info.need_read = true; reverse_flag = true; NRF_LOG_INFO("Address: %08X", FLASH_START_ADDR); rc = nrf_fstorage_write(&my_fs, FLASH_START_ADDR, &my_fs_info.write_data, my_fs_info.write_len, NULL); if(rc != NRF_SUCCESS) { write_err_cnt += 1; NRF_LOG_INFO("== fs write error: 0x%x",rc); } else { write_cnt += 1; NRF_LOG_INFO(" === write count: %d", write_cnt); } } // flash read if((my_fs_info.need_read == true)&&(my_fs_info.busy == false)) { my_fs_info.need_read = false; rc = nrf_fstorage_read(&my_fs, FLASH_START_ADDR, &my_fs_info.read_data,256); if(rc != NRF_SUCCESS) { NRF_LOG_INFO("0x%x",rc); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("Read Flash Data:"); NRF_LOG_HEXDUMP_INFO(my_fs_info.read_data, RANDOM_BUFF_SIZE); } } // flash erase if((my_fs_info.need_write == false) && (my_fs_info.busy == false)&&(reverse_flag == true)) { if((write_err_cnt > 100) || (erase_err_cnt > 100)) { NRF_LOG_INFO(" ==== erase enough!!!! ===="); NRF_LOG_INFO(" ==== erase enough!!!! ===="); continue; } my_fs_info.need_read = true; my_fs_info.need_write = true; my_fs_info.busy = true; reverse_flag = false; rc = nrf_fstorage_erase(&my_fs, FLASH_START_ADDR, 1, NULL); if(rc != NRF_SUCCESS)/ { erase_err_cnt += 1; NRF_LOG_INFO("== fs erase error: 0x%x",rc); } else { erase_cnt += 1; NRF_LOG_INFO(" === erase count: %d", erase_cnt); } } idle_state_handle(); } }
NVMC code:
while(status) { addr = 0x00072000; nrf_nvmc_page_erase(addr); nrf_nvmc_write_word(addr,src_value); pdat = (uint32_t *)addr; NRF_LOG_INFO("0x%x was read from flash\r\n", *pdat); if((*pdat) != src_value) { status = false; NRF_LOG_INFO(" ===== Flash Error !!! ====="); NRF_LOG_FLUSH(); break; } opt_cnt += 1; NRF_LOG_INFO(" ===== flash operation : %d", opt_cnt); NRF_LOG_FLUSH(); } }
best wishes,