No boards found in nRF Connect for VS Code

I want to work with the nRF Connect Plugin for VS Code and my nRF52840 DK with Zephyr. I created a new application from the "nRF Connect" plugin and selected the hello world example for Zephyr

The project was created without an issue, but I can not create a build configuration, because there is no board available:

How can I fix this?

Parents Reply
  • I just found one more reason this can happen. Windows puts this silly empty file in "C:\Users\clovett.REDMOND\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe" which is used to bootstsrap and install python.  Even if you never use this it puts this ahead of your ~ncs\toolchains\c57af46cb7\opt\bin\python.exe and that causes everything to break. Delete the windows stub and everything starts working properly.

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