nRF Connect for VS Code - Thread Viewer window empty


I am starting with the nRF Connect. I got a nRF52840 DK and I am following the 'nRF Connect for VS Code' YT series.

I got as far as part 5 (debugging), but I cannot get the Thread Viewer going. I can set breakpoints and inspect variables and memory but the Thread Viewer window remains empty. I made sure that the debug options are enabled in the build configuration. I also set 'CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO=y' in prj.conf.

Some basic information:

  • VS Code 1.81.1
  • nRF Connect 2.4.0
  • Win10

The nRF Connect is a clean installation. VS Code, however, is an older install as I am using it with an nRF SDK project.

Any idea what could be wrong here?



  • Hello,

    I couldn't find a good reason for the issue you are seeing inside the thread viewer. I may want to ask this internally to get more insight into it. But before doing that, I would like to get some clarification on a few things.

    Are you enabling the "Enable debug" option while giving the build configurations:

    Have you tried enabling CONFIG_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS=y and CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO=y inside the prj.conf of the application?

    Is this happening only with NCS 2.4.0? Have you tried updating the SDK to 2.4.1? If so, does the issue persist? Could you also check the version of the nRF Connect extension and NRF command-line tools? Try updating to the latest version (see this section).

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    I couldn't find a good reason for the issue you are seeing inside the thread viewer. I may want to ask this internally to get more insight into it. But before doing that, I would like to get some clarification on a few things.

    Are you enabling the "Enable debug" option while giving the build configurations:

    Have you tried enabling CONFIG_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS=y and CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO=y inside the prj.conf of the application?

    Is this happening only with NCS 2.4.0? Have you tried updating the SDK to 2.4.1? If so, does the issue persist? Could you also check the version of the nRF Connect extension and NRF command-line tools? Try updating to the latest version (see this section).

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    Yes, I have enabled the debug options (see my very first post). CONFIG_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS and CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO are enabled in prj.conf. I have tried with both NCS version 2.4.0 and 2.4.1.

    The nRF Connect extension version is v2023.7.129. The nRF Connect command line tools version is reported as:

    nrfjprog version: 10.23.0 external
    JLinkARM.dll version: 7.80c


