Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

nRF51DK. Bluetooth not working


I have had to purchase an nRF51DK to update the FW of an old PCB with nRF51822. I have developed a quick example to test it, and it all works OK but the bluetooth. After some searching I found an answer saying that I first had to flash the SoftDevice.

I develop with Visual Studio Code + nRF Connect. I have developed with nRF52840DK without problems with the bluetooth (now I don't remember if I ever had to flash or configure the SoftDevice anywhere).

As I didn't find any option in the VSC to flash the SoftDevice, I searched and heard about the nRFGo Studio, so I installed it and flashed the S130, and marked the option to protect it.

Then I went back to te VSC and tried to flash the application hex, but then I got an error saying the flash was protectd (so I deduced VSC was trying to flash on the same space where the SD was).

So I modified the board.dts to move the slot0_partition out of the SD space. Still no bluetooth.

I am searching now for an hex test file for the nRF51DK so I can assure the BT is working ok, but I don't find one. I found that there is a download for the DK, but I haven't found it.

So, at last :) my questions:

1. Is there a way to configure the SD in the VSC?

2. If not, is there a way to flash the SD in nRFGo Studio and then safely flash the application in VSC?

3. Can anyone post a URL for an hex test file so I can see if the BT works?

4. When I develop and flash the external board, will I have to do the same in order to make the BT work?

If anyone has another clue I can follow, I would be very thankful.

Thank you!

