Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

nRF51DK. Bluetooth not working


I have had to purchase an nRF51DK to update the FW of an old PCB with nRF51822. I have developed a quick example to test it, and it all works OK but the bluetooth. After some searching I found an answer saying that I first had to flash the SoftDevice.

I develop with Visual Studio Code + nRF Connect. I have developed with nRF52840DK without problems with the bluetooth (now I don't remember if I ever had to flash or configure the SoftDevice anywhere).

As I didn't find any option in the VSC to flash the SoftDevice, I searched and heard about the nRFGo Studio, so I installed it and flashed the S130, and marked the option to protect it.

Then I went back to te VSC and tried to flash the application hex, but then I got an error saying the flash was protectd (so I deduced VSC was trying to flash on the same space where the SD was).

So I modified the board.dts to move the slot0_partition out of the SD space. Still no bluetooth.

I am searching now for an hex test file for the nRF51DK so I can assure the BT is working ok, but I don't find one. I found that there is a download for the DK, but I haven't found it.

So, at last :) my questions:

1. Is there a way to configure the SD in the VSC?

2. If not, is there a way to flash the SD in nRFGo Studio and then safely flash the application in VSC?

3. Can anyone post a URL for an hex test file so I can see if the BT works?

4. When I develop and flash the external board, will I have to do the same in order to make the BT work?

If anyone has another clue I can follow, I would be very thankful.

Thank you!


  • To be able to use nRF5 device with Bluetooth on nRF5SDK, you need to also understand the flash memory layout of your device. The softdevice is necessary binary you need to flash for your application to have access to BLE feature.

    If you are new to develop on nRF5 SDK then please start with the getting started guide.

    1. Is there a way to configure the SD in the VSC?

    No, VSC support we have is for newer devices like nRF52/53/54 on newer SDK which is nRF Connect SDK. What you are using is very old variant, nRF51 on a deprecated SDK (nRF5SDK is not deprecated and in maintenance mode only). 

    2. If not, is there a way to flash the SD in nRFGo Studio and then safely flash the application in VSC?

    You can flash Softdevice using any of our flash programming tools like nRF programmer or nrfjprog.

    3. Can anyone post a URL for an hex test file so I can see if the BT works?

    Please read this

    4. When I develop and flash the external board, will I have to do the same in order to make the BT work?

    Memory layout is the same for BLE stack (softdevice) and application for BLE to work. So it does not matter if it is a custom board or nRF development kit. The perquisites for firmware are the same.

  • To be able to use nRF5 device with Bluetooth on nRF5SDK, you need to also understand the flash memory layout of your device. The softdevice is necessary binary you need to flash for your application to have access to BLE feature.

    If you are new to develop on nRF5 SDK then please start with the getting started guide.

    1. Is there a way to configure the SD in the VSC?

    No, VSC support we have is for newer devices like nRF52/53/54 on newer SDK which is nRF Connect SDK. What you are using is very old variant, nRF51 on a deprecated SDK (nRF5SDK is not deprecated and in maintenance mode only). 

    2. If not, is there a way to flash the SD in nRFGo Studio and then safely flash the application in VSC?

    You can flash Softdevice using any of our flash programming tools like nRF programmer or nrfjprog.

    3. Can anyone post a URL for an hex test file so I can see if the BT works?

    Please read this

    4. When I develop and flash the external board, will I have to do the same in order to make the BT work?

    Memory layout is the same for BLE stack (softdevice) and application for BLE to work. So it does not matter if it is a custom board or nRF development kit. The perquisites for firmware are the same.
